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March 14, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
March 14, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY11 Warrant #19
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

February 28, 2011- Regular Meeting - Edie moved to accept the minutes. Raymond seconded.  Joe abstained. (2-0).

WRSD Superintendent Dr. Pandiscio
Dr. Pandiscio and Peter Brennan were present for the discussion of the FY12 assessment. Joe noted that Princeton is now responsible for 20 % of the MLC insurance increase for the region and asked if there was an error. Dr. Pandiscio explained reforms were made and prior to that time there was an unpredictable swing and now the number is recurring.  He discussed the following:
  • Insurance assessment spending went from -65% in FY07 to -125 in FY12, despite reforms.
  • The proposed budget is the one the administration plans to live with.
  • Changes in Special Education will result in a $600,000 savings. Autistic students will be taught by the district, and fewer students are being placed out of district.
  • Full time kindergarten teachers, a school psychologist, and two teachers for the Special Education program are being added.  
  • Overall MLC, debt, and transportation costs are up. Operations remain the same.
  • Appropriation is at 3.5% overall.
John asked if analysis has been done for the change in Special Education to consider future costs of additional teachers. Dr. Pandiscio said it is not a concern; additional teachers were previously on the payroll.
The board thanked Dr. Pandiscio and Peter Brennan for their time.

Treasurer Appointment
John reported he interviewed five candidates for the position. James Dunbar stood out as the preferred candidate. If appointed, James agreed to get his treasurer’s certification. Wendy Graves is willing to train. James introduced himself to the board. He currently works as Treasurer for the Town of Hubbardston, Town of Brookfield, and the WRSD. If appointed he will resign from Brookfield.
Raymond moved that the Board appoint James J. Dunbar to the position of Treasurer of the Town of Princeton, effective March 28, 2011, for a term to expire June 30, 2013. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Tighe & Bond Environmental Monitoring
Test results by Tighe & Bond indicates presence of contaminated soil. Ken Gendron of Tighe & Bond reported the new proposal is for approximately $42,000, not including reductions for the non OSHA work completed by the town which could result in a $20,000 savings. Contaminated soil needs to be removed by Tighe & Bond. All affected wells tested clean. Ken will attend the Town Meeting to answer any questions.
Ken also reported that the Hubbardston Road landfill monitoring agreement is about to end. The State requires monitoring for thirty years. The cost for a three year contract is $6,750 and includes semi-annual visits to collect water from landfill and annual inspection.
The board thanked Ken for his time.

Band Concert Request
John Mollica informed the board that there was no funding for the band concert in FY11.  He asked for funding to be restored as in previous years in the amount of $2,000 for FY12. The board will take the matter under advisement.

Public Safety Committee Recommendations
Chairman Neil Sulmasy reported that the committee began public safety discussions in September and now has a recommendation. Stan Moss reported the biggest issue was with weekday response for fire and ambulance. The committee recommends a planned transition to a full time Fire Chief. Options include a full time Chief Firefighter EMT with on-call paramedic coverage, or a full time Chief Firefighter Paramedic with on-call EMT coverage. Job descriptions from comparable towns will be obtained. In addition, the committee recommends an on-call EMT program be set up as a trial run. The board thanked the committee for their efforts and will discuss further at the next meeting.

Contract with EMS Billing Solutions
Chief LaPore informed the board at the February 14 meeting that a change from Action Ambulance billing to EMS billing would result in significant savings. Edie moved to sign the contract with EMS Billing Solutions. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0). The board signed the agreement. There is a onetime set of fee of $858.60

FY12 Budget
The Advisory Board was present for the discussion. John reviewed the draft budget which is primarily level funded at $8.4 million. There has been a reduction in state aid in the amount of $416,000. Library, health insurance, and parks & recreation numbers need to be finalized. John will update and resubmit.

ATM Draft Warrant
John provided an overview of each article to the board. The final warrant is scheduled to be signed on April 25.

WRSD and Town of Princeton Maintenance Agreement
John reported that he and Glenn Lyons met to review and discuss the agreement which has been level funded at $25,870 for three years. Raymond moved to accept the Maintenance Agreement.  Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0). The board signed the agreement.

Sign Class II Auto Dealers License Renewal – Stephen Zottoli
John asked the board to sign the previously approved license due to a typo. The board signed the license.

Appointment: Animal Inspector
Raymond moved to appoint David Leach as Animal Inspector for the Town of Princeton.  Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Agreement of Consent Election – Police Officers Union
Raymond moved to allow the chair to sign the Agreement of Consent Election of Police Officers union from the Teamsters to the MA FOP Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Town Administrator Contract
Joe reported that the board agreed to extend John’s contract for an additional three years. The only change is an additional $240 annual cell phone allowance and one additional week of vacation. Edie moved to approve and sign the contract. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session
At 8:00 PM Edie moved and Raymond seconded that the Board enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel, and pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining, and not to reconvene into open session. The Board voted by roll call: Joe, yes; Raymond, yes; Edie, yes.

Joe announced that the Board was entering into executive session to conduct strategy in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and would not reconvene into open session.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary